about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Thankful Thursday
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Mindful March
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Motivation Monday
Don't miss your meetings tomorrow! Your clocks will be one hour ahead of your routine. Not sure what time it is? Check your computer or phone. Anything connected to the internet typically updates itself.
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Spring Forward
You’re invited! πŸ’Œ β™₯️ RSD is hosting a Districtwide family engagement event on March 26, 2024 at Sequoyah Elementary beginning at 5:30 p.m. πŸ’‘ Attendees will have the opportunity to learn more about what RSD has to offer and hear from RSD Superintendent, Dr. Ginni McDonald on the RSD Strategic Plan! πŸŽ“πŸ“š Student activities will be available and booths for Transportation, Registration, Gifted & Talented, and ESL will be there to answer questions families may have. ➑️ RSVP here: https://forms.gle/z9iyj6XLBVQjMWS57 See you there! 🎊 #IChooseRSD β€οΈπŸ–€
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
I Choose RSD Event
Here's our Weekly Newsletter! Check out these testing dates and times :) Your email has specifics.
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! We have mandatory state testing happening this week. We have options for 3/6, 3/8, and 3/11. This is state testing for writing. The test is approximately 80 minutes from drop off to pick up time. Please see your email for detailed information, and a sign up form.
about 2 months ago, Carla Thomas
State Testing Times and Dates
Welcome to a new week of learning and opportunities at our Virtual Academy! Inside this newsletter, you'll find essential updates and a snapshot of what's ahead. Be on the lookout for emails from us about state testing! The ELPA will be March 27, and all ATLAS testing will begin in April. These are required! Don't miss out on the happenings at your home school building – there's something for everyone to get involved in! Let's make this week one of progress and collaboration! 🌟 #StayInformed #JoinTheCommunity
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Thankful Thursday
πŸš‚ Honoring the indomitable Harriet Tubman this Black History Month! Harriet, the courageous conductor of the Underground Railroad, led countless enslaved individuals to freedom, defying injustice. A fierce abolitionist, she risked her life to fight for liberty and equality. Harriet's legacy extends to her pivotal role as a Civil War nurse, spy, and advocate for women's suffrage. Let's pay tribute to this iconic trailblazer whose bravery and determination shaped the course of history. Her guiding light continues to inspire us on the path towards justice and freedom. 🌟✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽 #HarrietTubman #BlackHistoryMonth #FreedomFighter
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Black History Month
Take the time to get a high quality picture! This will save you time and improve your grade! So many students spend hours each week resubmitting assignments because of the quality of their picture. Save yourself the hassle, follow these tips! #TipTuesday
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Motivation Monday
πŸ“š Celebrating the phenomenal Maya Angelou this Black History Month! A literary icon, poet, and civil rights activist, Maya's words resonated with profound wisdom and empowerment. Her autobiography, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings," and powerful poems have left an indelible mark on literature. Beyond the written word, she was a tireless advocate for civil rights and a voice for equality. Let's honor Maya Angelou's legacy by embracing her message of resilience, courage, and the power of the human spirit. 🌹✨ #MayaAngelou #BlackHistoryMonth #PhenomenalWoman
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Black History Month
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
πŸšŒπŸŽ‰ Shoutout to Mr. Traylor on National Bus Driver Awareness Day! 🌟 Big thanks to our awesome bus driver and teacher for always getting us to school safely and with a smile! 🚌😊 We appreciate you, Mr. Traylor! πŸ™Œ #BusDriverAppreciationDay #ThankYouMrTraylor 🚍❀️
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Nat Bus Driver Day
#FriendlyFebruary #ActionForHappiness
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Friendly February
#FriendlyFebruary #ActionForHappiness
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Friendly February
You're invited! "Hop Into Kindergarten" is an event for all upcoming Kindergartner families interested in enrolling in RSD! This event will be hosted at Oakland Heights Elementary from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on March 14th, 2023. Rain or shine! Families will participate in an egg hunt, receive a copy of Tops and Bottoms by Janet Stevens, and learn more about RSD Kindergarten Registration. RSVP at the link below or by calling 479-968-5216. Hop into Kindergarten RSVP: https://forms.gle/J27X4VHS44nyAgG5A See you there! Website announcement: https://www.rsdk12.net/article/1467765 #OneRSD
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
K Round Up
K Round Up
Don't forget about Parent Teacher Conferences this week! February 20-22, check your email for an invite from your advisory teacher.
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
PTC Reminder
2 months ago, Carla Thomas
Motivation Monday